Reed Between the Lines Wiki
Alexis Reed
Alexis Reed
Background information
Age 7
Gender Female
Hometown New York
Occupation Home-schooled student (formal)

Elementary school student (current)

Parents Carla Reed, Alex Reed
Siblings Keenan Reynolds, Kaci Reynolds
Friends TBA
Love interests {{{loveinterests}}}
Portrayed by Zoé Hendrix

Alexis Reed is the 7-year old analytical child of the Reed family. Just like both of her parents, she is smart, analytical and inquisitive. If things don't add up, she questions them. Alexis is not the kind of child who will accept "because I said so" as an answer.


Sometimes the fact that Alexis is not a twin and is Alex's only biological child makes her feel like she doesn't belong, but she knows there's nothing she can do about it and accepts it for what it is. Being the only child that is home-schooled, however, is something she realizes she wants to change.
